Earth Day Celebration and Dune Restoration 4/22


Project Description

This project is a partnership between the Surf Club and Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA), a local non-profit organization that is experienced in developing and delivering educational programs that encourage stewardship of the environment.

Adult and youth volunteers will plant/hand water Bio-Diverse dune plants and sea oats.

Community Need

Florida, features a beautiful coastal shoreline, surrounded by sand dunes and restored beaches. Each year, millions of local residents and tourists from around the world visit our state. However, severe beach erosion from storms and rising sea level, make this beautiful coastline vulnerable. This condition threatens the natural ecosystem and can negatively affect the people who view this highly visible and accessible area.

Project Goals

1) Plant sea oats and other dune natives to restore and protect native habitat for nesting sea turtles, migratory birds, shorebirds and valuable sand dunes along the coastline in Lauderdale by the Sea.

2) Engage adult (youth) volunteers, to foster a sense of accomplishment and raise awareness of the importance of environmental stewardship.

Project Objectives

The Surf Club and Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA) staff will work with volunteers to prepare the site areas to be restored. Volunteers will plant native dune vegetation in pre-designated areas along the beach, as an effective method to mitigate future beach erosion and help restore and protect wildlife habitat for sea turtles and nesting migratory birds and shorebirds.

Community Impact

Re-planting protective sea oats and other native dune plants is a relatively inexpensive, durable, environmentally beneficial, and aesthetically pleasing way to restore and replace sand lost from erosion. As the plants grow, they will catch windblown sand and allow the dunes to grow larger. A healthy beach and sound dune system equals a naturally sustainable and beautiful beach for everyone to enjoy.

Earth Day2

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