Pumpkin Decorating 10/28 6pm-8pm • Prepay Online
Pumpkin Decorating October 28th
Please join Ms. Vidal-Santos Tuesday October 28th from 6-8pm
in the Middle School cafeteria to decorate your own pumpkins.
This annual event is a major fundraiser for the school’s art department.
in the Middle School cafeteria to decorate your own pumpkins.
This annual event is a major fundraiser for the school’s art department.
Cost is $5.00 per child. Pre pay by Monday October 27th.
Pizza and beverages will be available for sale.
Pizza and beverages will be available for sale.
If you’d like to donate beverages, please email pumpkindonation@rkbpta.com and let us know what you’ll be bringing.
Pay online by credit card – Click here
Please include Child’s Name / Teacher’s Name / (Home)Room# in Notes when purchasing online.