Monthly Archives: April 2015

Upcoming Schedule Schedule 4/6 – 4/17

This Week

* PTA Executive Meeting April 8th 8:45am Media Center

* PTA General Meeting April 8th 9:15am Media Center

* Take your child to work day April 10th
(field trip forms due by 4/10


Monday, April 6
     Sport Jersey Day
Tuesday, April 7
     Wear Clothes Backwards Day
Wednesday, April 8
     Wild Hair Day
Thursday, April 9
     Twin Triplets Day
Friday, April 10
     Wear all green or white


Next Week

* School Dance is April 17th

* No Uniform Day is April 17th


SchoolKids School Supply Kits Deadline May 1st

* Student Supply Kit Form Update
Dear Parents and Teachers,

The student supply kit order forms should be turned in directly to Julia, Nadine or Jackie at the supply store.

Students should bring their forms immediately to the store when they arrive at school (please do not give them to homeroom teachers).

Please send them in this week if possible or order directly from the website at –  school account # 34663.





Dear Parents,


The PTA and Administration in cooperation with all grade level teachers have created GRADE LEVEL SUPPLY LISTS!

You can purchase a prepackaged and delivered supply kit for your child for the next school year.


Please visit  and enter the RUTH K BROAD account #34663


Your child’s supply kit will be conveniently delivered to the school for pick up! This is also a fundraiser to support the PTA.


Orders must be placed before MAY 1st




Dear Parents,

The School is excited to announce that we will be utilizing the services of

SchoolKidz and their Teacher Tailored School Supply Kit Program as a great

alternative for parents who are looking to purchase back-to-school supplies.

Ordering information will be provided soon.

SchoolKidz, Inc. offers brand name items, such as Crayola®, Fiskars®, Elmer’s®,

Staples®, and more. Each item is chosen by the teachers and is exactly what is

on your child’s supply list. Best of all, the entire package comes in a reusable

personalized kit.

This program will save you time, making “back-to-school time” less hectic and

more enjoyable for both students and parents. We believe you will find the pricing

to be very reasonable and comparable to what you would spend when driving

around from store to store during the back-to-school rush.

Spirit Week 4/6 — 4/10





Monday – Thursday it is not mandatory, but Friday please support your Team by wearing your spirit color.


On Friday, parents please have your child bring their own blanket or towel to sit on the field.

Please apply sunscreen before coming to school, bring a hat, sunglasses and a water bottle for their comfort.

Let’s have some fun!