
PTA Supply Store News

Get em’ while they last:
We are stocked up with lots of fun items for the students! Spy Pens, Paw Pride items, Lanyards, Erasers, Mechanical Pencils, and MORE!
We just received Poster Boards and Science Boards which are needed for upcoming school projects.
We also have the seat sacks, recorders and recorder books which will be required for Ms. Rubin’s music class.
And last but not least, lots of new kooky Halloween items.

Middle School Dance Sept. 18th 3pm-5pm

DJ: Mr. G!!

Entrance Fee: $6.00 in the morning /$8.00 at the door (afternoon)

Click Here ->Prepay Via Credit Card Online Link
Note: You must bring printed receipt for entrance

Pizza slice/Soda/Water/Goodies sold for $1 each.

Profit will go to Middle School Field Events.


We need Soda donations from parents,

Please leave them at the PTA office/store in the morning.

Preferred drinks are:  Coke Zero/Regular Coke/Sprite/Water

Thanks so much!!! 





Friday Shirt Update

The Friday T-Shirts should be arriving in about 10 days.

If you want to  be contacted the moment they arrive, please fill out the form below.

We will email you when they’re ready to be picked up.

If you ordered online, we have your contact information and you don’t need to fill out the form.

This is mostly for people who prepaid at the store and will speed up the process for us to email everyone at once.

Trouble viewing the form (Click Here for LIve Form)