Monthly Archives: April 2015

PTA Supply Kit Info

Dear parents,


All teachers of each grade met as a group and created ONE supply list for the entire grade! The supply kits that are being sold were agreed upon by ALL teachers of each grade level and the new lists are exactly what the teachers agreed to require.


The student supply kit order forms should be turned in directly to Julia, Nadine or Jackie at the supply store. Students should bring their forms immediately to the store when they arrive at school. Do not give order forms to homeroom teachers. For your convenience, you can order directly from the website at – school account # 34663. Please keep in mind this is a fundraiser and convenience in one. The PTA will receive a percentage of all sales.

Thank you!

PTA and Administration

Florida Legislature Petition

The PTAs of  Miami Beach feeder pattern schools are challenging our Florida Legislators to visit at least two schools  for a minimum of 45 minutes and meet with teachers, administrations, parents and students to understand the issues better, to begin to have an open dialog with the people DIRECTLY impacted by the testing environment and to start to make real progress in a more logical process.


That’s why we created a petition to The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Rick Scott.


Please take a moment now to sign this petition. Click here:

conference on Ethics in Education

Briefing ID #: 17220

ALL PRINCIPALS/APS/TEACHERS: Social Sciences- Ethics in Education A to Z Conference

Audience:  All Principals/APs, All Teachers
Due Date: n/a
Meeting Date: n/a
Attachment(s): Ethics_in_Education_Flyer.pdf

To announce the dates and provide registration information for an upcoming conference on Ethics in Education.

  • The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, the University of Miami, and Miami-Dade County Public Schools are having a two-day conference for teachers, students, administrators, parents/guardians, and concerned citizens covering major ethical issues at all levels of American education.
  • Topics will include:  Teaching to the Test, The Allure and Power of School Sports, School Choice, The Immigrant Influx, Civics Education, Bullying, Race and Justice, School Policing, Social Media, the “Tiger Mother/Parent,” Ethics Bowl and more.
  • This two-day conference will begin on Friday evening, May 1, 2015 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the University of Miami, Coral Gables Campus, Storer Auditorium in the School of Business Administration .  The second day of the conference will be held at Miami Senior High School, 2450 SW 1st Street, Miami, Florida 33135, on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • This conference is open to teachers, students, administrators, parents/guardians and other concerned citizens.
  • The conference cost is $50.00 for both days; $25.00 for Friday evening reception only or $40.00 for the Saturday conference only.  Full time students may ONLY attend the Saturday portion of the conference.  The student cost is $15.00.
  • See the attached promotional flyer for additional conference information and a brief outline of speakers and topics.
  • See attached registration form for specific instructions on submitting payment.
  • Please note:  conference costs include:  refreshments and hors d’oeuvres at the reception and keynote address on Friday, May 1, 2015, lunch at the Saturday portion of the conference, and all other benefits of attending the conference.
  • For teachers/administrators who also wish to earn 12 Master Plan Points for successfully completing all professional development requirements associated with this conference, please follow the registration steps outlined below:
    • Go to and log into the Employee Portal;
    • Next, click on the tab:  Apps, Services, Sites;
    • Next, scroll down to and click on the box:  My Learning Plan;
    • A new window will appear.  Click on the arrow next to Activity Catalogs and then click on District Catalog;
    • Under Search Options, in the Search Term(s) box type the title of the Activity exactly as follows:  Ethics in Education A to Z and hit enter.
    • This activity will be listed below under Search Results.  Click on the title’s name (in blue); the activity will open and details regarding this workshop will appear.
    • Scroll to the bottom and click on Sign Up Now.
    • Next, the Enrollment form- Site Based Activities area will appear.  Scroll to the bottom and click on “I Have Read and Accepted the Agreement Above” and click Submit.
    • If you require further assistance with the registration process, please contact your school’s PD Liaison.
  • Please direct ANY further questions or inquiries you have regarding this conference to The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, or call 305-579-2594.



Earth Day Celebration and Dune Restoration 4/22


Project Description

This project is a partnership between the Surf Club and Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA), a local non-profit organization that is experienced in developing and delivering educational programs that encourage stewardship of the environment.

Adult and youth volunteers will plant/hand water Bio-Diverse dune plants and sea oats.

Community Need

Florida, features a beautiful coastal shoreline, surrounded by sand dunes and restored beaches. Each year, millions of local residents and tourists from around the world visit our state. However, severe beach erosion from storms and rising sea level, make this beautiful coastline vulnerable. This condition threatens the natural ecosystem and can negatively affect the people who view this highly visible and accessible area.

Project Goals

1) Plant sea oats and other dune natives to restore and protect native habitat for nesting sea turtles, migratory birds, shorebirds and valuable sand dunes along the coastline in Lauderdale by the Sea.

2) Engage adult (youth) volunteers, to foster a sense of accomplishment and raise awareness of the importance of environmental stewardship.

Project Objectives

The Surf Club and Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA) staff will work with volunteers to prepare the site areas to be restored. Volunteers will plant native dune vegetation in pre-designated areas along the beach, as an effective method to mitigate future beach erosion and help restore and protect wildlife habitat for sea turtles and nesting migratory birds and shorebirds.

Community Impact

Re-planting protective sea oats and other native dune plants is a relatively inexpensive, durable, environmentally beneficial, and aesthetically pleasing way to restore and replace sand lost from erosion. As the plants grow, they will catch windblown sand and allow the dunes to grow larger. A healthy beach and sound dune system equals a naturally sustainable and beautiful beach for everyone to enjoy.

Earth Day2

Teacher Appreciation Lunch Gifts Needed

It’s getting close to the Teacher Appreciation Lunch. To make this event extra special, we need parents to show their extra love by donating gift cards (can be converted from airline miles or credit card points), local gift certificates, candles, jewelry, lotions,wine, picture frames,, etc. No gift is too big or too small!  The more gifts we have, the more the teachers get!

Please drop them at the PTA office before May 12th!
Much Love,
The Joannas
Questions? Call 215-888-5222

Mindful Corner

Mindfulness Bell Exercise

There is an acronym for FEAR that I read that reshapes what the word typically means.  FEAR can mean Face Everything And Rise!  All of us on some level experience fear.  Fear can be useful at times as it can have an energy within it that helps us prepare for an upcoming challenge, in school, sports, or facing a challenge in a friendship or with a family memember.  But sometimes it can have the energy that stops us in our tracks cause we are afraid.  Afraid of not being good enough, strong enough to skillfully know what to say to that friend or family member, or not sure how we will perform on a test.  These are all fearful thoughts, and if we notice them as that, thoughts, then this awareness can loosen their hold that they may have on us.  The good news is this: when that feeling of fear arises, we can change the fearful thought to, Face Everything and Rise.  Maybe this is done in our own mind and needs to be an internal shift you make; that you are going to tell yourself you are good enough to face this challenge.  Or maybe you will find the courage to face the friend or family member and say what your truth is.  Being Mindful includes facing whatever arises with kindness and compassion towards ourselves.  Then we are better able to be kind, compassionate and rise up and face what we needs to be faced.
Let’s keep this in mind as a community practicing Mindfulness:
Face Everything and Rise!
Find your power and let it shine!
Have a great day!

Nikki Levine, M.A.
Mindfulness Teacher