Thank you Ninja Lounge…for hosting the teacher welcome back event this past week!
The teacher and staff had a blast!
Ninja Lounge is a brand new concept in both fitness and entertainment. AMAZING FUN recreational and fitness activities specially designed for students such as:
We would like to personally invite you to participate in our Back to school festival on August 22nd and 23rd. All attraction tickets are 50% off and Principles and Activity Directors are admitted FREE!!!!!!!!
Come join us soon for an unforgettable day of ninja fun!
August 24
First Day of School (summer packets due)
(Grades PK-1st start school at 8:20 am and Grades 2nd-8th start at 8:35 am)
August 27
9am – Welcome Back Breakfast and PTA General Meeting in Elementary Cafeteria (approve budget, approve calendar and welcome new year)
Pride Outside Update

A note from the Administration:
Parking is only permitted in the Parking Garage on 95th Street. We will have Open campus only week of the 24th.Beginning on August 31st the campus will be closed and children will only be allowed in through the 4 entry points: the field by the tennis courts; the silver gates on the west side of the school next to the PE Shelter; the Bus Lane on the east of the building and the Main Office. ONLY Pre-K parents are permitted to enter and take their children directly to their classes. All other grade levels need to report to the cafeteria for breakfast or directly to their line up areas.
A message from RUTH K BROAD/BAY HARBOR K-8
Dear Parent,
The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County’s Immunization Program would like to inform you that most children are due for their booster vaccine by the time they are eleven years of age. They will not be permitted into school in seventh (7th) grade without it.
Parents who wait until the summer to take their children for the Back-to-School vaccine requirements will have difficulty scheduling an appointment with their pediatrician. During those months, many private healthcare providers’ offices, as well as our own health department clinics, are overcrowded with this back-to-school rush for immunizations. This is especially important for the mandatory requirement for 7th grade entrywhich includes: ·
- One tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) ·
- Second dose of varicella (VZV)
There are other vaccines recommended for your child which include: meningococcal, human papillomavirus, the second dose of varicella and hepatitis A. Therefore, we are asking you to take your 6 th grade child to schedule a visit with his/her private healthcare provider or one of the health department clinics as early as possible so that he/she will be prepared before the next school year begins. If your child does not have a pediatrician, the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County offers free immunizations to all children less than 19 years of age. To schedule an appointment call: 786-845-0550.
Thank you so much for your support and for keeping Miami-Dade County healthy. Please remember, if you have another child entering school for the first time the schools will also require his or her immunization records to be current and placed on the proper school forms.
Reynald Jean, MD, MPH
Supply Store
The supply and uniform stores will be open daily, Mon-Fri from 8-9am during the school year.
Please advise your children that they may not shop in the store after the bell has rung unless they have permission from their teacher.
No students are permitted to borrow money from friends in the store. If students do not have their “own” money to shop, they will be asked to leave.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: we are waiting for the delivery of several sizes that were sold out and we ask that you be patient and understanding until they arrive.
If you would like to volunteer to work in the Uniform Store one morning per week, please let us know.
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed to help in the cafeteria at lunchtime! Help open yogurts and thermos’s, take kids to the bathroom, and make sure the kids are eating, happy and most importantly, safe. There can be anywhere from 200-300 kids in the cafeteria at a time, and only 1 -2 paid staff, so volunteers are greatly needed. Lunch is from 11-1.
Contact Beth Soulliard or Cara Konecci.

Bobcat Pride
Each month the school administration holds a “Bobcat Pride” ceremony and recognizes students for their efforts. Each student receives a bag with a few items as well as a “Bobcat Pride” t-shirt. The cost to print the shirts is raised through sponsorships and we are currently looking for businesses or individuals that would like to contribute and sponsor the cost of the shirts for the 2015-2016 school year. In appreciation for your support, your logo will be included on the back of the shirt. Please contact PRIDE if you would like to be a sponsor this year. The deadline to become a sponsor is July 31st.
Sponsor amounts are:
$500 or $1000 or $2000 or $3000
You can register the first week of school everyday from 8:00-9:00am in the Media Center.
To become a volunteer you must first go to:
Parent portal (sign in)
Go to Apps/Services/Sites (top of page light orange bar)
Choose “Be a School Volunteer”
Follow directions — print copy of sheet if possible and bring to school.
***For new parents, they will need to go to school’s main office and get a “pin number” to create a parent portal account and then they can go online create their accounts and follow above instructions.
Adopt your child’s classroom and help support your teacher!
TEAM SURFSIDE carwash to End Alzheimer’s
Box Tops News Extra!!!
Kids! Don’t forget to raid your pantry and get all those Box Tops!!!
The class with the most Box Tops collected over the summer wins a
Pizza Party!!!
enter our school’s code #390048
and earn BoxTops for our school!
Parents should plan their routes to school in order to arrive on time. Please see the above attached which is the new design of 95 & Byron in Surfside. The speed reduction and single lane approach may cause a bit of a backup during peak hours such as school kids delivery and pickup times.
Please also remember that Bay Harbor Police will be managing the speed of traffic and you need to remember you are in a school zone again and slow down please.
Please look for the volunteer forms coming home soon!
Please take a moment to volunteer for a committee!
Please get involved and help us make a difference!
Please commit to help on one PTA activity this year.
A message from the Bobcat Safety Zone Committee…
Hi Everyone, First of all, I want to again thank each of you for your support! We had a vision, and with the support of the school and PTA, the team came together, and the hard work (and alot of sweat) has finally paid off! The first Project for the Bobcat Safe Zone is COMPLETE! Thank you especially to April Pullo who made the stencils for the street, got all the supplies, and stood in the summer heat painting for the kids. Carlos Benitez, for his amazing artwork and design of our Safe Zone Logos and Signs,and to Retta Logan who printed and installed the banners and signs. Our Bobcats will be safer because of you! Carolina Jones
PTA would also like to thank the town of Bay Harbor for helping to clean up the landscaping around the school. We are proud and fortunate to have such a great partnership withBay Harbor Islands.Take a look at the BEFORE and AFTER pictures of our Palms in the Student Loading Zone. WOW!!!!! and THANK YOU!!!!!
Agenda Sponsors
The PTA and the School Administration would like to send out a HUGE Thank You to the families and organizations that sponsored the student agendas for the upcoming year. We really appreciate your support in enabling us to provide this very important tool to each student at Ruth K. Broad at no cost. You can see information about all of the sponsors in the first 10 pages of the agenda when you receive it next year.
Bal Harbour Rotary Club
Miami Beach Kiwanis
Miami Theater Center
Balance Diet – Thin Spa
The Kassin Family
RKBBH K-8 along with EF is organizing the first abroad trip for 6, 7 and 8 graders. Destination: England, Ireland and Wales. We will have informational meetings throughout the school year in room 77.
EF stands for Education First. This organization for 50 years has facilitated for teachers and students the discovery of the world through culturally engaging educational travel. EF has more than 200 educational travel programs to offer, which allows travelers to gain new perspectives, develop important 21st century skills and become true global citizens.
Last March 18, 2015 MDCPS selected EF as preferred vendor for overseas travels. Alina Puentes is the EF Director Officer for South Florida. Dafne Cano is the Group Leader for England, Ireland and Wales Program, which is offered to students for June 16, 2016.
Mrs. Cano has 10 yrs. of experience traveling abroad with students.
Miami-Dade County’s Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) will be giving FREE trees to the community through its popular Adopt-a-Tree program. Come to our event on Saturday, August 29th, from9:00 am to 12 noon, at the Harris Field Pavilion, 1034 NW 8th Street, Homestead. Residents eligible to adopt trees will be able to choose from Mango (only 1 per household), Sapodilla, Carambola, Pigeon Plum, Green Buttonwood, Longan and Mulberry. However, tree quantities are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants will be required to fill out a “Registration Form” available at each event. Some restrictions apply – for information on rules, eligibility, tree info and community service hours check the Adopt-a-Tree webpage.
Also at this event, the Miami-Dade County Water & Sewer Department will be exchanging high efficiency showerheads for those residents who bring their old showerheads to the event (while supplies last). For more information call 311.
PTA Contacts |
PTA Board